Feb 13, 2019 | Napa Valley Register Article, Recipes
by Carine Hines Napa Valley Register On the tail of a wet storm that drenched our state’s still-thirsty soils, I want to share a farmer’s relationship to rain. My husband and I have farmed through one of California’s greatest droughts and through one of its wettest...
Sep 12, 2018 | Napa Valley Register Article, Recipes
by Charlotte Florent Resistance to seasonal change is futile but you can preserve a bit of summer’s bounty. There are so many aspects of the changing seasons at the Napa Farmers Market that I anticipate with great gusto: the new incoming fruits and vegetables,...
Aug 7, 2018 | Napa Valley Register Article, Recipes
by Derek Bromley Napa Valley Register Every time I see a head of cabbage at a farmers market stall, I feel torn. Yeah, it’s just a head of cabbage, but it is potentially so much more. On the one hand, I could turn it into homemade sauerkraut, which tastes nothing like...
Jul 25, 2018 | Napa Valley Register Article, Recipes
by Cara Mae Wooledge Napa Register The Napa Farmers Market wants to make fresh fruits and veggies accessible and affordable for all of its customers. This is why the market offers a Market Match program to individuals and families with CalFresh (“food stamp”)...
Jul 3, 2018 | Napa Valley Register Article
by David Layland Napa Valley Register I recently had reason to look back at my files from the 2015 Napa Farmers Market season, our last season on First Street in Napa’s Oxbow District. What a difference a few years and a location change have made. Most notable was the...